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Customer Reviews from NOM.

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The DJ Company, Yme Sake and Tette Boekema
Yme Sake and Tette Boekema Founders of The DJ Company
The Facilitator Program

The DJ Company is an online platform where you can very easily book a DJ and manage your party. On the platform you can specify your wishes, any special features and the party location. Then, based on that, a link is made with ...

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Joeri Scheerhoorn
Joeri Scheernhoorn Founder Home Chef
The Facilitator Program

Home-chef is a platform that allows home cooks to sell their meals to people in their area. We work on the basis of a pre-order model - more precisely, the food must be ordered well in advance to give the home cook space to create a ...

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Leon Strong, Rake Boat
Leon Strong Director Rake Boat

The core business of Harkboot.nl BV is the removal of unwanted (exotic) rooted aquatic plants with root and all. The raking method was invented in 2014 and has developed in recent years and is considered by water managers a...

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Razmik Konstandian and Azat Davletshin
Razmik Konstandian and Azat Davletshin Founders DeepAvatar
The Facilitator Program

The fastest way to learn a new language is to speak it a lot. But finding a conversation partner in that language is not always easy. That's why DeepAvatar developed a virtual assistant where you can have a conversation in real time, called Spe...

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ILIK founder Faten Salem
Faten Salem Founder ILIK
The Facilitator Program

Mental health and menstrual health go hand in hand, says ILIK founder Faten Salem. That's why the social innovation startup is on a mission to help women understand how their menstrual cycles affect their mental well-being. ILIK ...

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Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin
Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin founders iki.ai
The Facilitator Program

iki.ai is a knowledge center and second brain for professionals and teams. It is a digital library to store all your professional knowledge. From useful links, PDFs, blog posts, tutorials, Github repositories to YouTube video'...

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Artem Shulga
Artem Shulga CEO QDI Systems
Customized funding

QDI Systems is a pioneering deep-tech company developing imaging devices for medical applications using advanced nanomaterial quantum dots. The company was founded in 2019 as a spin-off from the Zernike Instit...

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Blackworms001 1
Jean Mekelenkamp Founder Lumbriculus
Business Innovation Program Food

With Lumbriculus, based in Oostwold, I deal with the breeding of aquatic worms for large fish farms in particular. The Lumbriculus Variegatus, to be precise, a freshwater worm, also called blackworm.

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Weed A Go001 1 150×150
Gert Maneschijn and René Bultje Co-founders WeedaGo
Business Innovation Program Food

WeedaGo is working on robots that use artificial intelligence to recognize weeds and control them plant-specifically. Not unimportant, as weed pressure poses a serious economic threat to the agricultural sector.

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Arnold Bakker DGA Kampen Industrial Care
Customized funding

Kampen Industrial Care, started in 1948 as a blacksmith's shop in Thesinge, is a mechanical engineering service provider from Groningen that specializes particularly in maintenance of existing installations and work in and around piping systems.

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Victor van Saltbommel, owner Huberts' Food from Meppel
Victor van Saltbommel Owner Huberts' Food
Market Readiness

The Market Readiness Program was a perfect fit for the phase we were in

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Dave Lark
Dave Lark CEO MyEmma
Customized funding

NOM provided more than just growth capital. For example, without the NOM, the acquisition by SnelStart would never have gone so smoothly. Or maybe it wouldn't have happened at all. They prepared me optimally for everything that is involved in such a process...

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Lex Rademaker Chief Flower Officer Longbloom
Lex Rademaker Chief Flower Officer Longbloom
Customized funding

NOM did considerably more than just provide capital. They gave us excellent guidance and advice at key moments.

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Eva van Leeuwen
Eva van Leeuwen Founder Young Heroes
Investor Readiness Program

The investor readiness track really helped us a lot. During the process you are forced to take a critical look at things that you prefer to put off. Things that still seem far away, or are not yet up for discussion. But that's why I...

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