The core business of BV is the removal of unwanted (exotic) rooted aquatic plants with root and all. The raking method was invented in 2014 and has developed in recent years and is seen by water managers as a welcome addition to the existing arsenal of water tools. As of 2018, BV has been established and is dedicated to further developing the method.

What problem were you trying to solve when you approached NOM?

Because of my need for funding. The bank wouldn't give me a loan in 2018. Two years earlier, I had also applied to NOM, but the process took too long. Then, thanks to a customer, I was able to buy my first boat. But now I wanted to continue. The NOM process is quite a challenge, and certainly not suitable for small entrepreneurs who don't have much time to spare. But I'm glad I took the threshold.

Leon Strong, Harkboot

How have our services impacted your business?

Apart from the funding, which I really needed, it gave me a lot of insight into my own business. I discovered where the opportunities and threats are and found that quite a fun and educational process.

Leon Strong, Harkboot

Can you describe your experience working with NOM?

A good sparring partner like NOM keeps you on your toes. I also just liked the way things went, with the same contact person all the time. That is nice. And the large network also helped me a lot.

Leon Strong, Harkboot

Would you recommend our services to others and if so, what would you say?

Definitely, because it just gets you further along. You learn a lot about your own business and are better able to make the right choices. But as mentioned, for small business owners, the process is too long and complicated. The submission requirements are so challenging that it only works if you can make time for it.

Leon Strong, Harkboot

Read the story about Harkboot