We will be happy to assist you .

RZ2 9227

Contact details

Telephone +31 (50) 521 44 44

Available weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Email info@nom.nl

On weekdays, we strive to answer emails within 24 hours.

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Address information by location

Select a location
  • Visiting address
    Paterswoldseweg 810
    9728 BM Groningen
    Postal address
    Postbus 424
    9700 AK Groningen
  • Visiting address
    Agora 4
    8934 CJ Leeuwarden
    Postal address
    Postbus 424
    9700 AK Groningen
  • Visiting address
    Turfmarkt 11
    8911 KS Leeuwarden
    Postal address
    Postbus 424
    9700 AK Groningen
  • NOM property
  • Johannes de Doperkerk Leeuwarden
  • The entrance to the Chancellery in Leeuwarden.