Customer review with Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin of about Startup Visa

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Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin is a knowledge hub and a second brain for professionals and teams. It’s a digital library to store all your professional knowledge. Anything from useful links, pdfs, blog posts, tutorials, Github repos, to YouTube videos, etc. iki is by design searchable, self-organized and, most importantly, has a co-pilot to help you with any reasoning tasks based upon your knowledge. The most obvious use case is that you can ask questions to your data in natural language and get precise answers with references to sources.

What question did you approach the NOM with?

We applied for the Startup Visa program, because we were looking for the right ecosystem for our high-tech startup. The Netherlands seemed like a great choice, because of the open and modern culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. And everyone speaks English, so it’s much easier for us to do business here. We contacted different facilitators, but the NOM was by far the most communicative, proactive and straightforward in what they could offer us.

Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin

How have our services impacted your business?

We are very happy with the constant support of the different NOM departments and representatives. Both the market readiness program and the investor readiness program were really helpful. A definite highlight was the Startup Festival, which was fun and we met a few very relevant VCs there and a lot of great entrepreneurs from the region.

Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin

Can you describe your experience working with NOM?

It was really great. I want to thank our program manager Fleur Mulder for always being ready with useful tips, relevant events and invitations. And also NOM Investment managers Ytsen van der Meer and Daan Verhorst for making valuable VC and client introductions.

Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin

Would you recommend our services to others and if so, what would you say?

Definitely! In general, even though NOM does not position itself as an accelerator, it works like that, at least in our experience. And everyone we’ve worked with is very open, helpful and straightforward. Groningen with its prominent universities and huge student community offers a unique opportunity to test our product, build the early adopters community and set us on the path for the growth stage.


Max Orlov and Ivan Ilin

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