Startup Readiness Program - HomeChef

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Joeri Scheernhoorn

HomeChef is a platform that allows home cooks to sell their meals to people in their area. They work on the basis of a pre-order model - more precisely, the food must be ordered well in advance to give the home cook the space to prepare a quality meal with lots of fresh ingredients. After a pilot in Groningen, they hope to roll out the concept throughout the Netherlands.

What was the reason for you to participate in the Startup Readiness Program (SRP)?

In order to enter the market optimally prepared, I needed guidance. Above all, I wanted to clarify whether potential customers are really waiting for our solution and why? And if so, which home cooks can I best approach and convince of the added value of the concept? At the same time, I wanted to exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs about the challenges I face.

Joeri Scheernhoorn

What did the program give you?

The SRP gave me tools and insights to create a well-supported positioning plan. For example, it became clear to me during the many client conversations that many home cooks see selling meals from home as a stepping stone to a career switch. As an interim solution, because the step to starting their own restaurant is still too big. That insight is now central to our marketing.

Joeri Scheernhoorn

Can you describe your experience working with NOM?

Very good. They were, without exception, pleasant and knowledgeable people to work with. I think it is great what NOM is doing to strengthen the startup climate in the northern Netherlands. The SRP definitely contributes to that.

Joeri Scheernhoorn

Would you recommend the SRP to another and what would you say?

Yes, definitely. Every entrepreneur with promising ideas I would recommend participating. It's just incredibly educational and afterwards you're guaranteed to go home with new insights and perspectives. It doesn't take too long either. So you don't have to put everything aside. Your business just keeps running.

Joeri Scheernhoorn

Read the story about HomeChef