Startup Readiness Program - V-Frame

Learn more about V-Frame
Don Engelbracht, V-Frame

V-frame, a spin-out of Rope Access North, is an access method to safely and efficiently perform inspections and repairs in confined and hard-to-reach areas such as tanks, silos and large spray dryers. Through the use of rope technology, a suspension bridge and a sky climber, we create safe third-party access. The inspector or technician is guided by us on the frame and can move freely across the entire wall of a tank or silo.

What was the reason for you to participate in the Startup Readiness Program (SRP)?

The V-frame is a new and innovative product that we want to lease worldwide to parties who, like Rope Access North, support clients in working in hard-to-reach places. But how can we best shape the business model? How will you set up the revenue model? Is licensing perhaps a good approach? Questions we struggled with and hoped to find answers to during the SRP.

Don Engelbracht, V-Frame

What did the program give you?

The SRP has provided a better understanding of international customer needs and a better connection to our target groups. We know our customers in the Netherlands, and a little bit outside the Netherlands. But what is going on elsewhere? The customer interviews gave us a clear picture of that. As an entrepreneur, you are convinced of your product and easily inclined to make all kinds of assumptions. But what is the real pain point for your potential customer? It was very valuable to uncover that during the SRP.

Don Engelbracht, V-Frame

Can you describe your experience working with NOM?

Just as very enjoyable. They were good sessions, especially since the coaches and other facilitators have an entrepreneurial past. They not only provide you with all kinds of practical tools, but also like to share their own experiences. I think everyone gained a lot from that.

Don Engelbracht, V-Frame

Would you recommend the SRP to another and what would you say?

I would recommend it without question. If you go into it with an open mind I'm sure you will be surprised. Simply because sometimes, as an entrepreneur, you think you already know everything. But reality is often more unruly.

Don Engelbracht, V-Frame