Emmy Saimi Roozeboom 2021 02

I was born and raised in Drenthe

And that's something to be proud of, in my opinion. The average Drenthe man is modest, but it is not for nothing that it was recently measured that Drenthe is the happiest region. We live and work in beautiful surroundings.

After years of working at a banking institution, I am therefore now very happy in my position as Investment Manager for MKB Fonds Drenthe. Indeed, in this role I can contribute to the social interest of the province of Drenthe. We help ambitious Drenthe entrepreneurs with investment plans by providing venture capital. This enables companies to grow and innovate, which creates additional employment.

We do more than just provide money; we also help with coaching and networking, for example. We are often a sparring partner. Entrepreneurs from all industries except agriculture can come to us. From sole traders to large companies. If you are an entrepreneur from Drenthe, have healthy ambition and want to move forward with your business: give us a call!