Webinar 'The hour of Willem van der Leegte'

Webinar 'The hour of Willem van der Leegte'

VDL Group. An iconic red, white, blue logo that symbolizes an effective operation of over a hundred manufacturing companies. From metal, buses to semiconductors. Within the manufacturing industry, this giant has a finger in the pie almost everywhere. Under the leadership of Willem van der Leegte, with nearly 16,000 employees, the company occupies a solid position as one of the largest industrial employers in the Netherlands. In 2021, the Brabant family business still achieved a turnover of nearly 5 billion after two years of headwinds.

What can we learn from this Eindhoven conglomerate? How important are innovation and digitalization to VDL? What is the company's vision on chain logistics, geopolitics, sustainability and not unimportant talent? For an hour, presenter Roelof Hemmen talks with top executive Willem van der Leegte in a 'summer guest-like' setting.

The webinar will take place on Thursday, October 20, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. This webinar is organized for employees of the Ministries of Finance and EZK, Provinces, relations from the ROMs ecosystem, Invest-NL and for portfolio companies of the ROMs.

Whitepaper Impact of Investors
The impact of investors on your business

In this white paper you will learn:

  • What you have to deal with when you start working with investors
  • Differences and similarities between bank funding, subordinated loan and equity capital
  • In what ways NOM as an investor can help you

    Please note that this whitepaper is only available in Dutch at the moment. We are in the process of translating this whitepaper.