NOM Webinar - What investors care about.
  • Becoming Investor Ready
  • Grow your business

What investors care about

Because a large proportion of innovative start-ups fail, it is a risky investment from an investor's point of view that must be matched by a potentially high return.

Investors are therefore selective in the choices they make and have certain requirements. How do investors look at your team, product and business model? How do you show that you know your customer well? What is an appropriate funding structure? What should you look for when determining your funding size? What went wrong for startups that went through a funding process and what are important learnings in this process?

Want to be well prepared at the table when raising (follow-on) funding? In half an hour Ellen Ploeger (coordinator Flinc, part of NV NOM) goes through step by step a number of themes that investors find important.