  • Innovate

"What the composites" hackathon: creative innovation with composites (Oct. 12 & 13)

To innovate, we need to join forces. So we would like to invite you to a weekend of learning, thinking and doing around composites. How can this material be applied in new ways? What does it take to do that? And how do we take the use of this material to the "next level" in the future?

This hackathon is suitable for anyone who:
- wants to learn more about the innovative applications of composites,
- wants to be inspired by participants from different sectors,
- want to gain knowledge from the coaches and team members,
- like to share knowledge themselves.

During the hackathon, the application of composites will be explored within the following topics:
- Sustainable Mobility (design parts for the solar car of Top Dutch Solar Racing)
- Drones (design parts for a large drone that must be able to lift 50kg)
- Healthcare (design tools for healthcare)
- City furniture (design beautiful but functional city furniture for the Rensenpark in Emmen)


At the end of the hackaton, the teams' results will be judged and the winning team will take home a cash prize of €2000. The hackaton will take place on Friday, Oct. 12 and Saturday, Oct. 13.

More information can be found here. Or go to this video. Above all, sign up soon!

This hackathon is an initiative of World Class Composites Solutions (WCCS) with partners: Fokker, NV NOM, Stenden PRE, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, University of Groningen, 3D Value, Vanenburg Software, BOIKON, QSight IT, S [&] T, TNO, TU Delft, Province of Drenthe and SNN.

Want to know more? Contact Alex Berhitu ( or Rudmer Heij (