Saving millions of sandwiches during Waste-Free Week
  • AgroFood
  • Innovate

Saving millions of sandwiches during Waste-Free Week

In one week, all of the Netherlands can save over 60 million sandwiches at home by not wasting. Bakers and supermarkets are participating in the campaign of the Foundation Together Against Food Waste to prevent wasting bread among consumers. They are putting the sticker "Do you eat every slice of bread too?" on as many as 3 million loaves of bread. Bread is the most wasted product by Dutch households, followed
by dairy, vegetables, fruit, potatoes and meat. All these products play the leading role during the national Wastefree Week from September 7 to 13.

Main climate measure

Toine Timmermans, director of the Foundation Together Against Food Waste: "Reducing food waste is one of the most important measures against climate change worldwide.* Many people do not yet know this and that makes our campaign so relevant. At the same time, the beauty of it is: everyone can get involved and contribute something positive. Every slice of bread or squeezed dairy carton counts. If the whole of the Netherlands does not waste food at home for a week, it will save 11.5 million kilos of good food, which is about 40 million kg less CO2 emissions."

Activities across the country by more than 100 partners

On Sustainable Tuesday, September 7, Together Against Food Waste, together with the Food Center and more than 100 companies, community organizations, governments and schools, will open the third national Wastefree Week. That week, activities will take place throughout the country to inspire consumers to buy, cook and store waste-free. The activities around bread are part of this.

Launch TV campaign

From today, the TV commercial of Samen Tegen Voedselverswilling 'Hello bread eaters of the Netherlands' can be seen. During the Wastefree Week, bakers and supermarkets will give extra attention to preventing bread wastage by putting the sticker "Do you also eat every slice of bread?" on 3 million loaves of bread. Every Dutch person can save an average of 4 sandwiches a week from the waste bin. By freezing bread and making something tasty out of the old bread, we can prevent waste. Every slice of bread is worth eating. Go waste-free, too!

Together Against Food Waste

Together Against Food Wastein

NOM, along with the other Regional Development Companies, is a partner of Together Against Food Waste.

The campaign was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

The benefit of the other. On diversity and inclusion
The benefit of the other. On diversity and inclusion

In this white paper you will learn:

  • That diversity and inclusion further advance businesses
  • How difficult it can be to set aside your own prejudices
  • What steps you need to take to make work toward greater diversity

    Please note that this whitepaper is only available in Dutch at the moment. We are in the process of translating this whitepaper.