Watersplash (NOM Stock)
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  • Innovate

Discover broad innovation opportunities during Water Tech Week (Sept. 24-27)

Water is a necessity of life and also an indispensable factor in many companies. Water technology therefore offers innovative opportunities more often than we realize. "A good reason to visit the European Water Tech Week in Leeuwarden in September," says NOM business development manager Alex Berhitu. "And then reserve especially Wednesday, September 26."

Berhitu also emphatically calls on companies not directly related to the water sector. "It is precisely through cross-pollination that new developments arise. Moreover, this Water Tech Week is a unique opportunity to gain good insight into the opportunities within this sector. Work for the manufacturing industry can result and companies that use a lot of water in their processes can benefit from new inventions. For example, wastewater becomes a source of opportunity."

Taking advantage of water hub

The central question during the European Water Tech Week (EWTW) is: how can we contribute to solutions to global water problems through multidisciplinary cooperation? This can already be done very close by recycling household wastewater, figured out Hydraloop*, a company that - based in Muiderberg - decided to also establish itself on the Water Campus in Leeuwarden. "This water hub has a pull factor and the whole of the Northern Netherlands benefits from that," Berhitu says. "Hydraloop's water treatment technology works very compactly in a device that resembles a refrigerator, and that cabinet is now manufactured in Emmen partly through our networks."

Business to business

Berhitu is just saying: just as water can flow in places where you don't expect it, surprising business connections can emerge in our region through water technology. "That's why it's worth visiting this EWTW," he urges northern companies.

"Of course it's smart to invest time carefully, which is why I especially recommend going on Wednesday, Sept. 26. That day is all about B2B and is the best day for entrepreneurs to get a concrete and practical picture of the current opportunities of water technology. Many companies will be present and those with specific issues can sign up for a WaterMatch."

Profit to be gained

From car washes and industrial textile laundries to the chemical and food industries, water or other liquids play a major role in a variety of industries, and that's where opportunities for improvement lie. "Take the latest developments in sensor technology or membrane filtration," Berhitu mentions, "these extend far beyond the water sector. Moreover, there is still much to be gained in wastewater treatment, both in sustainable and economic terms. That's why all kinds of northern companies can benefit from the exchange during EWTW, from SMEs to large companies like Avebe, Friesland Campina or A-ware."

For the program and registration, visit: www.watercampus.eu/ewtw

* Hydraloop is one of ten nominees for this year's prestigious Water Alliance Innovation Stimulation (WIS) Award. Candidates Foru-Solution, SolteQ and WLN are also from the northern Netherlands. They will pitch their technology during the EWTW in front of the public and a professional jury.