Beeproger 2.0; from startup to scaleup in five years
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Beeproger 2.0; from startup to scaleup in five years

Today Beeproger celebrates its first lustrum. Exactly five years ago, John Sportel (CCO) and Jan de Vries (CEO) took over Beeproger. They are now running a company with over 20 employees from Groningen, the business model has been adjusted and a branch office in Amsterdam is being opened. With funding from the NOM, further growth steps are now being taken.

John Sportel and Jan de Vries took over the bankrupt software company Beeproger from the receiver five years ago. They were convinced that Beeproger did not need to go bankrupt and wanted to prove the company's right to exist as a developer of innovative Web and app solutions that make organizations more efficient and better.

Creating burden of proof and adapting business model

The first five years were exciting and focused on proving Beeproger as a solid partner. Everything was tackled according to the credo "the proof of the pudding is in the eating. From large retailers to automotive companies, from startups to scaleups and renowned construction companies. In 2017, the past is definitely being shaken off by drastically opting for a new business model. No more price agreements based on fixed price but the introduction of the agile scrum method. Where previously all wishes and requirements were mapped out and then developed, now these wishes and requirements become increasingly clear during software development. Jan de Vries: "In a development process you always have to deal with advancing insight. The scrum methodology makes it possible to respond quickly to changes in requirements, wishes and priorities. An enormous step forward for both the customer and our own business processes, ultimately leading to a better product.'



John Sportel: "We want to become the Coolblue of software development. We want to have a very high customer satisfaction rate, so existing customers don't leave us and bring in new customers ourselves. We see working with a customer as a partnership. We are taken seriously in this. We are trusted partner of Nmbrs, supplier of online payroll software, and work for the northern companies Op=Op, Hitachi Capital Mobility and NDC Mediagroep, among others. At first, we were actively searching ourselves. Now customers find Beeproger.'

Loose in Amsterdam

Scheduled for November is the opening of a second branch of Beeproger in B. Amsterdam, the largest ecological startup and scaleup center in Europe, with over 400 companies. Companies with smart ideas that can be turned into innovative web and app solutions. Jan de Vries: "It is important to be close to your market. Because of our location in B. Amsterdam, we are right in the middle of it and can think along at a very early stage. Sales from Amsterdam to apps made in Groningen.' Expectations are high. The ambition is to eventually have 30 full-time developers working at the Groningen branch.


To enable further growth, Beeproger knocked on NOM's door for funding. Investment manager Klaas Kooistra is impressed by the drive of the entrepreneurs. 'In a short time they have built a company in which they have had the guts to adapt their business model. And that in addition to the rapid growth of the team. That also shows the entrepreneurship of Jan de Vries and John Sportel. With funding, we are helping to accelerate the realization of their ambitious plans.'