Doing business in Ukraine, Russia or Belarus

Doing business in Ukraine or Russia

The situation in Ukraine also affects northern Dutch companies doing international business. Among other things, companies may face hick-ups in the supply chain, from the supply of raw materials to logistical challenges. NOM is currently surveying its portfolio companies to see if they are affected by the situation. Where possible, we support and look for solutions.

On this page, business owners will find information including applicable penalties and other practical information.

Advice Dutch government

With regard to the crisis, NOM follows the government policy and guidelines of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs & Climate. The Dutch government advises the following when it comes to contacts with Russian companies:

  • Do not actively approach Russian companies;
  • If Russian themselves seek contact, kindly but firmly refer them to the Russian Embassy in The Hague.

Q&A Ukraine/Russia: impact on business

On the site of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RvO) you can find answers to frequently asked questions related to the situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Current sanctions Russia

The European Union has imposed several sanctions against Russia. These affect entrepreneurs doing business with this country. On the site of the RFO you can find more information about the sanctions package. The information on this site is updated (almost) daily. Entrepreneurs can also contact the RVO's business desk at 088 042 42 42.

Practical information

If you are an entrepreneur operating in Ukraine or Russia, you will find practical information on the following sites.


Do you have any further questions? Please contact your contact person within NOM or send an e-mail.