One of the greatest resources we have in the Netherlands is grass. Grass is a huge potential crop, on which the sector and also politicians have quite a tunnel vision. Grass is for ruminants, especially cows, and that's the end of it.
By using grass more efficiently, several sustainability challenges can be addressed while the farmer earns more from his/her grass.
On Thursday, April 20, we would like to tell you more about this during the workshop: Omdenken met Gras at the Dairy Campus in Leeuwarden.
11.30 - 12.30
Tour of Dairy Campus with simple lunch (optional)
12.30 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.15
Opportunities for food extraction from green leaf | grass by Rieks Smook of Grassa
13.15 - 13.45
Results 'Efficient feeding with Unlocked Grass' by André Bannink of WUR Livestock research
13.45 - 14.30
Discussion: Challenges Rethinking with Grass
14.30 - 15.00
Sign up:
Sign up for the Omdenkenken met Gras workshop by filling out the form below.
It is possible to start the workshop with a tour of the Dairy Campus. If you choose to do so, we will also provide a simple lunch. Don't forget to indicate this on the form below. If you have special dietary requirements, please let Petra Engel know at