Bringing in (foreign) companies

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Active recruiting

During lunch, the Nommers from Foreign Direct Investment don't often join us. This is because they are on the road a lot to expand their network and to update entrepreneurs and investors on all the opportunities in the Northern Netherlands. Are you a (foreign) entrepreneur interested in establishing yourself in Groningen, Fryslan or Drenthe? Then we will guide you from idea to handing over the keys to your new business premises.

Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency

What NOM does for the Northern Netherlands, the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) does for the Netherlands as a whole. They promote the Netherlands as a business location and show entrepreneurs and investors the attractive aspects of our country, of which there are plenty. We work closely with the NFIA, in order to also bring the beautiful opportunities in the North to their attention at an early stage.

How NOM entices internationals to come to the northern Netherlands

It all starts with promoting the Netherlands as a potential country of establishment. This is quite a challenge, because internationals do not have a good idea of what we have to offer. Focusing directly on the Northern Netherlands is a bridge too far. That is why NFIA has clustered national acquisition teams around different sectors. We participate in four national acquisition teams: Chemistry, Agrifood, Lifesciences and ICT.

Want to know more about this? Read that article below.